After the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of the Interior had not published any figures on the Corona pandemic on Sunday, 22,201 new infections were reported for the past 24 hours on Monday. This figure was below the seven-day average of 35,644 new infections per day. The seven-day incidence was reported at 2,778.5 cases per 100,000 population, down from just over 3,000 on Saturday. Forty-nine thousand seventy-one new conditions have been added since Saturday.
By Monday, 3,747,582 cases had been registered since the pandemic, compared to 3,698,511 on Saturday. This means that 26,870 points must have been added on Sunday. Technical reasons were given for the figures being off on Sunday. As of Monday, there are 400,185 active cases in Austria, 17,187 fewer than the previous day. Since the pandemic outbreak, 3,331,691 people have been reported as recovered, with 39,374 recovered since Sunday. Since Sunday, there have been 14 deaths from or with covid-19, and 27 from Saturday to Sunday. 39.1 people have died per day in the past seven days. Since the pandemic’s beginning, 15,706 people have died in Austria in connection with the pandemic.
The situation in the normal wards in Austria’s hospitals remains very tense: The number of hospital patients with Covid-19 was reported at 3,259 on Monday, 118 more than yesterday and 60 more than on Saturday. Two hundred forty-one of them were being cared for in intensive care units, up by three from Saturday. In one week, the number of ICU patients has increased by 24.
There was hardly any vaccination on Sunday. Only 719 stings were administered, of which 38 were first-time stings. According to the E-vaccination passport data, 6,813,871 people have received one vaccination. Less than 70 percent of Austrians – exactly 6,211,396 people or 69.2 percent – had proper vaccination protection.
On Monday, the province with the highest seven-day incidence was Lower Austria with 3,188.5, followed by Vorarlberg, Upper Austria, and Styria (3,166.3, 2,948.6, and 2,838.4, respectively). They were followed by Burgenland (2,802.5), Vienna (2,769.3), Salzburg (2,464.7), Carinthia (2,325.2) and Tyrol (1,809.7).
- source: APA
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